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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025 |
of Southeast Asia |
Worldwide there
are more than 450 species of primate. In
Southeast Asia, around 100 species are recognised, comprising
species of prosimian (represented in the region by Lorises and Tarsiers), 59
species of Old World Monkey (including macaques, and colobines such as
lutungs, langurs, surilis, doucs and others), 19 species of gibbon and
4 great apes
(including humans). In evolutionary terms, prosimians are considered
to represent ancient lineages of primate, and great apes the most advanced.
Ecologically, primates play an important role as seed dispersers in the
region's forests. |
Prosimians : Slow Lorises
8 species, all in SE Asia
Prosimians : Tarsiers
13 species, all in SE Asia

Gursky's Spectral Tarsier
Tarsius spectrumgurskyae |
Full Species List:
Carlito syrichta - Philippine Tarsier
Cephalopachus bancanus - Western Tarsier
Tarsius tarsier - Selayar Tarsier
Tarsius fuscus- Makassar Tarsier
Tarsius dentatus - Dian's Tarsier
Tarsius pelengensis - Peleng Tarsier
Tarsius sangirensis - Great Sangihe Tarsier |
Tarsius spectrumgurskyae - Gursky’s Spectral Tarsier
Tarsius supriatnai - Jatna's Tarsier
Tarsius tumpara - Siau Island Tarsier
Tarsius pumilus - Sulawesi Mountain Tarsier
Tarsius lariang - Lariang Tarsier
Tarsius wallacei - Wallace's Tarsier |
Old World Monkeys : Cercopithecines : Macaques (Macaca
SE Asia : 14 species (worldwide 23 species)
Old World Monkeys : Colobines : Surilis (Presbytis
19 species, all in SE Asia
Old World Monkeys : Colobines : Lutungs (Trachypithecus
SE Asia : 19 species (worldwide 21 species)
Old World Monkeys : Odd-nosed colobines (Nasalis, Simias, Pygathrix, Rhinopithecus)
SE Asia : 7 species (worldwide 9 species)
Lesser Apes : Gibbons (Hooloc, Hylobates,
Nomascus, Symphalangus)
SE Asia : 19 species (worldwide 22 species)
Great Apes : Hominids & Orang Utans (Homo,
SE Asia : 4 species (worldwide 7 species)
Other SE Asia species :
Pongo abelii - Sumatran Orang Utan
Pongo tapanuliensis - Tapanuli Orang Utan |
Homo sapiens |
Bornean Orang Utan
Pongo pygmaeus |