Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5
Family : Hylobatidae
Species : Hylobates lar
Head-body length : 40-50 cm
Tail length : no tail
Weight : 5-6 kg
Play call
Hylobates lar (White-handed Gibbon,
Lar Gibbon) is a master of agility. Its long arms are
perfectly suited to swinging from branch to branch, a form of locomotion
called 'brachiation', through Southeast Asia's
rainforests. Though it lacks a tail, its sense of balance is acute and it is
equally capable of walking on its hind legs along branches high above the
Its unmistakable call - a
loud, whooping sound - can be heard from a great distance, especially when
active in the morning. Its colour varies from dark brown to brownish-orange
to cream, and its diet comprises mainly young shoots, leaves and fruits.
A shocking trade in young
gibbons is rampant in some countries, particularly Thailand. The young are
captured by first shooting the mother, and then stealing the young.
Hylobates lar ranges from southern China, Myanmar, Thailand and Laos to Peninsular Malaysia
and Sumatra.
Figs 1 and 2 : Adult specimen
warming itself in the
morning sun.
Fig 3 : Feeding on young leaves at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand.
Fig 4 : Sub-adult at Gibbon Rehabilitation Project,
Phuket, Thailand.
Fig 5 : A muscular adult brachiates through the forest
canopy in Johor, Peninsular Malaysia.
Fig 6 : Adult with cream-coloured juvenile at Khao Yai National Park,
Thailand. Photo thanks to Ngo Kang Min.
References :
Lekagul, B., McNeely, J., 1977. Mammals of Thailand. Association for the
Conservation of Wildlife, Thailand. 758 pp.
Link :
Gibbon Rehabilitation Project, Phuket.