Species: Dendrelaphis ngansonensis
Maximum Size : 150 cm
ngansonensis inhabits various types of forest in parts of Indochina,
from the lowlands to at least 1500 metres. It is mainly diurnal in habits,
and is strongly arboreal: little else is known of its ecology.
The species was formerly considered a form of
Dendrelaphis pictus (Painted
Bronzeback), but in recent years was elevated to full species status
(Ziegler & Vogel, 1999). It is also known as 'Vietnamese Bronzeback'.
This large species of bronzeback reaches up to 1.5 metres in total length.
Its body is robust, and its eyes are large. In the field, this snake can be
identified by the broad, black stripe immediately behind the eye, which
quickly tapers out at the shoulder. The dorsum is medium brown with pale and
dark brown mottling: some scales may have bluish edges. The underside of the
head and body is typically cream.
IUCN (Thy et al, 2015) list the range of this species as Vietnam, Laos (mainly in the
east and south), parts of southern China and Thailand (Chanthaburi
province). Other sources include Khao Yai National Park, Nakhon Ratchasima,
Thailand in its range, which is where these images were taken.
Figs 1 to 3 : Example from Khao Yai National Park, Nakhon Ratchasima,
Thailand, found by day resting on the narrow branches of a sapling.
All photos thanks to Ngo Kang Min.
References :
Thy, N., Nguyen, T.Q., Vogel, G. & Chan-Ard, T. 2012. Dendrelaphis
ngansonensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012:
Ziegler, T. & Vogel, G. (1999). On the knowledge and specific status
of Dendrelaphis ngansonensis (Bourret, 1935) (Reptilia: Serpentes:
Colubridae). Russ. J. Herpetol. 6 (3): 199-208