Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6

Fig 7
Species: Dendrelaphis kopsteini
Maximum Size : 1.5 metres
Also known as the
Red-necked Bronzeback, this species was formerly confused with other
bronzebacks, including the Elegant
Bronzeback Dendrelaphis formosus, but since 2007 has been
considered a species in its own right.
The distinguishing feature
of Kopstein's Bronzeback is considered to be the orange-red colouration of
the back of the neck: this is best seen when the snake expands its neck
region. Further back from the head and neck region the scales are blue and
brown, with a vague pattern of narrow bars.
The top of the head is deep bronze, and a dark stripe extends from the snout
through the eye to the start of the neck. The lips, throat and underside of
the neck are pale yellow.
Both arboreal and terrestrial in habits, the species appears to feed mainly
on lizards, including tree-dwelling agamids. If its prey leaps to the ground
to evade capture, this snake will quickly come to the ground too and
continue the chase.
The species occurs in southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia,
Singapore and Sumatra.
Fig 1 : Specimen from Singapore's central
forests on the hunt for prey. The neck region is inflated, enhancing the
visual impact of the orange scales, and revealing the blue scales behind.
Figs 2 and 3 : The same specimen, with body inflated to reveal alternate
pale blue and light brown banding.
Fig 4 : In this image, the neck and body are in their normal uninflated
Figs 5 : Kopstein's Bronzeback preying on a
Green Crested Lizard
Bronchocela cristatella in
Singapore's central forests.
Fig 6 : Preying on a Brown Tree
Skink Dasia grisea in secondary forest, Singapore.
Fig 7 : A metre long Kopstein's Bronzeback emerges from a crevice within a
wasp nest of the species Ropalidia sumatrae, 5 metres up in a tree
trunk. The snake did not survive this encounter: 30 minutes later it was
dead, after having been stung to death.
Reference :
Vogel, G. & Van Rooijen, J., 2007.
A new species of Dendrelaphis (Serpentes:
Colubridae) from Southeast Asia. Zootaxa 1394: 25–45.