Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
Order :
Family : Tragulidae
Species : Tragulus napu
Head-Body Length : 52-57 cm
Tail Length : 6-10 cm
Weight : 3.5-4.5 kg
The Greater Mousedeer is a
larger cousin of the Lesser Mousedeer. It
occurs in tall, primary forest, secondary forest and, in some areas,
disturbed forest. In contrast to the Lesser Mousedeer it appears to be
mainly nocturnal in habits.
Various features help to distinguish between the two species in the field.
Firstly, the Greater Mousedeer is significantly larger weighing up to 3.5
kg, whilst the Lesser Mousedeer weighs up to 2.5 kg. Secondly, the fur of
the Greater Mousedeer appears longer and more coarse than the other species,
with orange to buff fur with blackish tips. Lastly, the white markings on
the throat and upper chest are different to the Lesser Mousedeer : there is
an extra short white stripe under the chin, above the long, inverted
Like its smaller cousin, the Greater Mousedeer feeds on fallen fruits, young
shoots and forest herbs.
This species is somewhat less wide-ranging than the Lesser Mousedeer,
occurring in Myanmar, southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore (Pulau
Ubin), Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines (Palawan).
Fig 1 : Male from lowland, primary forest at Taman
Negara, Peninsular Malaysia. It has
orange fur. Note the lower canines protruding from the mouth.
Fig 2 : Adult from lowland, freshwater swamp forest.
Fig 3 : Juvenile from lowland, mature secondary forest.
Fig 4 : Adult foraging amongst soil which has been freshly exposed by the
activity of Eurasian Wild Pig.
Fig 5 : Example from Sabah, Borneo, with extensive dark grey fur on the
lower flanks. Photo thanks to Oliver Wearn.
References :
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.