Fig 1
Fig 2
Species : Ingerophrynus celebensis
Size (snout to vent) : At least 8 cm.
Within its restricted
range the Sulawesi (or Celebes) Toad is widespread and fairly common. It can
be found in a variety of habitats including primary forest, disturbed
secondary forest, fields, plantations and villages.
This species occurs up to
elevations of at least 1000 metres and, like other toads, it can often be
found in dry areas some distance from water, It returns to true aquatic
habitats, particularly streams and smaller rivers, to breed.
This toad exhbits typical typical 'toad-like' proportions, wil large eyes
and a blunt snout. The paratoid glands are generally slender.
The Sulawesi Toad is
endemic to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and nearby, smaller
islands of Muna, Buton and Kabaena to the south-east, and Peleng and Banggai
to the east.
Fig 1 : Two examples of the male Sulawesi Toad, found in a small stream near Tangkoko
National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia.