Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3
Species : Carettochelys insculpta
Maximum carapace length : 70 cm
The Pig-nosed Turtle (also
known as the Fly River Turtle) is a unique species of freshwater chelonian:
it is the only living member of the genus Carettochelys and the
family Carettochelyidae.
Its name derives from the shape of its flexible, fleshy snout, and its
forward-facing nostrils. Its overall shape resembles that of marine turtles,
with a gently-domed, elongate carapace and flipper-like legs. The tail is
short and thick in females, but longer and narrower in males.
The carapace of adults is greyish or greenish-grey in colour, while
juveniles have a pale margin. The plastron (i.e. the underside) is cream.
This species is considered to be omnivorous, consuming a variety of aquatic
plants and fallen vegetation, as well as a range of aquatic invertebrates.
The species inhabits lowland stretches of large rivers on the southern side
of the island of New Guinea, including the Kikori and Fly rivers (in Papua
New Guinea) and Wania river (Papua Province, Indonesia), and rivers of the
Northern Territory of Australia. Its eggs are laid in nests excavated in
sandbanks along the margins of such rivers. Nests are also documented on
coastal sandbanks, where the Kikori River empties into the Gulf of Papua
(Geroges et al, 2008).
In parts of New Guinea the meat and eggs of this turtle are a component of
the traditional diet of river-dwelling people, but over-harvesting and the
sale of turtles to wildlife traders has had a dramatic impact on some
Figs 1 and 2 : Adult specimen, with an estimated carapace length of 50
cm, patrolling the margin of Macritchie Reservoir, Singapore. This
animal was probably a former pet, which was deliberately released into
the reservoir.
Fig 3 : Kikori River, Papua New Guinea. This image shows one tributary
in the braided, lowland stretch of the river where sandbanks provide
suitable nesting sites for the Pig-nosed Turtle (Georges et al, 2008)..
References :
Georges, A., Alacs, E., Pauza, M., Kinginapi, F., Ona, A. & Eisemberg,
C. (2008). Freshwater turtles of the Kikori Drainage, Papua New
Guinea, with special reference to the pig-nosed turtle, Carettochelys
insculpta. Wildlife Research 35:700-711.