Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4
Species : Indotestudo elongata
Maximum carapace length : 36 cm
The Elongated, or
Yellow-headed, Tortoise
Indotestudo elongata is one of just 4 species of native land
tortoise occurring in Southeast Asia. This is the only member of the genus
Indotestudo occurring in the region - the other two members of
the genus occur in India.
This endangered species inhabits a variety of forest types, including wet,
evergreen forest and dry, deciduous forest.
Its diet is varied and comprises fallen fruits, flowers, leaves, fungi and soft-bodied invertebrates.
Its carapace is yellowish-brown, with the central part of each scale or scute
typically being black. The carapace is long, with parallel sides : this is
domed in males, but flattened in females. Its head is relatively small, and its limbs
bear large scales. The tail is short in females, but relatively long in
Its eggs, of which up to 7 may be laid at any one time, are deposited in loose
soil, but unlike the Impressed Tortoise
it does not construct a mound of leaves above the buried eggs.
This tortoise is widely poached, ending up in food markets in countries such
as Vietnam and China. It is also harvested for traditional medicine, and
sold into the pet trade.
The images shown here were taken in a captive breeding project at the Angkor
Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB),
near Kbal Spean, Cambodia.
Within Southeast Asia the Elongated Tortoise occurs in Myanmar,
Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and parts of northern
Peninsular Malaysia (Perlis). Outside the region it occurs in parts of
India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.
Figs 1 and 2 : Adult female with flattened carapace shelters beneath a log.
Fig 3 : Adult male, with strongly domed carapace.
Fig 4 : Rear view of a male, showing the large scale or scute at the rear of the
carapace, which covers the tail.
Thanks to Christel Griffioen, ACCB, for assistance.
References :
Das, I., 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia. New
Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd.
Rahman, S., Platt, K., Das, I., Choudhury, B.C., Ahmed, M.F., Cota, M.,
McCormack, T., Timmins, R.J. & Singh, S. 2019. Indotestudo elongata
(errata version published in 2019). The IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species 2019: e.T10824A152051190
Links :
Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity
