Fig 1

Fig 2
Species : Cyclemys enigmatica
Maximum carapace length : 23.5 cm
Cyclemys enigmatica
is one of 7 species of asian leaf turtle described by Fritz et al
In aged adults the carapace of this species is dark brown, sometimes with a
reddish-brown tinge. Underneath, the plastron is dark brown to
blackish. In younger adults dark radiating lines may be visible on
both the carapace and plastron.
The top of the head is uniform light brown or copper in colour. There is an
absence of stripes on the neck and head, a feature which occurs in many
other species of asian leaf turtle.
The carapace is flat, strongly oval, and the rear margin is weakly serrated.
The specimen illustrated here is a large adult encountered in a
slow-flowing, shallow, swampy forest stream on the island of Langkawi,
Peninsular Malaysia on a hot afternoon. It was initially partly submerged at
the edge of a shaded pool, but once disturbed it dived into deeper water
beneath a fallen tree.
This terrapin is widespread - genetically verified specimens of the species
have been confirmed from northern Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java and
Borneo (Fritz et al, 2008).
Figs 1 and 2 : Specimen from a lowland, forest stream on the island of
Langkawi, Peninsular Malaysia. This turtle shows the features typical of
the species.
References :
Fritz, U.; D Guicking, M Auer, R. S Sommer, M Wink, A. K Hundsdörfer
2008. Diversity of the Southeast Asian leaf turtle genus Cyclemys:
how many leaves on its tree of life?. Zoologica Scripta, 37, pp