Species : Trimeresurus albolabris
Maximum Size : 104 cm
The White-lipped Pit Viper
was first described in 1842 by E. J. Gray. It remains one of the 'classic'
pit vipers of the Southeast Asia region and maintains its scientific name of
Trimeresurus albolabris to this day.
It occurs in a variety of forest types and secondary habitats including the
margins of agricultural areas and rural gardens. It also known from a wide
range of elevations, from lowlands up to 3000 metres.
Reaching just over one metre in total length, this snake is typically found
lying in low vegetation in a 'strike pose', waiting for passing prey; it
feeds on a variety of vertebrates including lizards, frogs, rodents and
small birds.
The colour of this snake is bright green or yellowish-green; the area below
the eye and the lip scales are pale in colour (either white, yellow or pale
green). The iris is yellow or orange, and the dorsal surface of the tail is
reddish. Males have a narrow white stripe along the lower part of the
flanks, however females lack this feature.
Trimeresurus albolabris is widespread. Within Southeast Asia it is
known from Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, southern Sumatra and
the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Outside the region it occurs in
parts of north-eastern India and southern China.
Figs 1 and 2 : Example from a garden, close to an area of rice paddy on
the outskirts of Hoi An, Vietnam, measuring an estimated 40 cm in total
length. It was found around 2 metres up a tree, apparently lying in
readiness for prey (perhaps tree frogs ?). This is a female, as it lacks
a white stripe on the lower flanks. Images submitted by an anonymous
References :
Das, I., 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia. New
Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd.