Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5
Species: Dendrelaphis caudolineatus
Maximum Size : 1.5 metres
This large species of
Bronzeback, measuring up to 1.5 metres, occurs in a variety of habitats
including closed forests, open secondary growth and scrubland. It is active
by day, and is generally arboreal preferring to move amongst low trees and
shrubs. It often comes to ground, however, and has been sighted in grassy
areas near to woodlands as well as the margins of water bodies, probably in
search of frogs.
The species is best identified on the basis of its thick black lateral
stripes on a white background, and its brown dorsal surface. It lacks the
black eye-stripe which is present in most other bronzebacks. The top of the
head and neck are bronze.
The eye is large, and the head somewhat wider than the moderately slender
body. Unlike other bronzebacks, the vertebral scales are not enlarged
but are narrow in shape. Its lower cheeks and lips are pale yellow.
In addition to frogs, this snake also feeds on lizards and, reportedly,
young birds in their nest.
The Striped Bronzeback ranges from southern Thailand, through Peninsular
Malaysia and Singapore to Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines.
Fig 1 : Juvenile,
amongst low shrubs, Singapore.
Fig 2 : Adult specimen foraging at
lake margin, Singapore.
Fig 3 : Juvenile resting on banana leaf at Danum Valley,
Sabah, Borneo.
Fig 4 : Adult amongst secondary growth at Danum Valley,
Sabah, Borneo.
Fig 5 : Neonate (hatchling) measuring around 30 cm from Singapore's central
References :
Cox, van Dijk, Nabhitabhata, Thirakhupt, 1998. A photographic Guide to
Snakes and Other Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
New Holland.
Manthey U., Grossmann W., 1997. Amphibien und Reptilien Sudostasiens. Natur
und Tier - Verlag.