Species : Rhabdophis subminiatus
Maximum Size : 130 cm
This is a wide-ranging
species of lowland and lower montane forests up to elevations of around 1800
metres. Like other keelbacks it is more commonly encountered on the ground
near small waterbodies, such as ponds and streams. It may also ascend into
low vegetation to rest.
Its diet comprises aquatic vertebrates such as frogs, tadpoles and fishes.
This is a long, slender snake with head slightly larger than the body, and
large eyes.
The specimen illustrated here is a juvenile with typical patterning and
colouration comprising a grey head, dark grey nape, and yellowish-orange
dorsum which gradates into an olive-brown body adorned with regular darker
markings. Below the eye is a dark bar.
Adults have less complex patterning : the body is olive-brown - either plain
or with yellow and black markings : this gradates into red and yellow at the
nape and head.
The Red-necked Keelback is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, occurring
in Myanmar, Thailand, Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) and Peninsular
Malaysia, and the islands of Sumatra, Borneo and Java. The species is
considered indeterminate in Singapore.
Outside the region its range extends to northern parts of the Indian
Subcontinent and southern parts of China.
Figs 1 and 2 : Images of a Red-necked Keelback
(juvenile) photographed at Bang Sare, Sattahip, Thailand. Photos
thanks to Ray Hamilton.
Fig 3 : Example from Kaeng Krachan National Park, Thailand consuming a frog.
Photo thanks to Charles Currin.
References :
Das, I., 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia. New Holland
Publishers (UK) Ltd.