Species : Simalia boeleni
Maximum Size : At least 3 metres The unmistakable and famed
Boelen's Python is Papua New Guinea's most important snake species,
receiving the highest legal protection possible. Locally it is also known as
the Blu Moran (= Blue Python) or Papa Graun Moran.
The species inhabits forested montane regions of over 1000 metres elevation.
It is generally encountered on the forest floor, but is also reckoned to be
an able climber.
The upperside is dark bluish-black or purplish-black, and the anterior part
of underside white to pale yellow. Pale bands two or three scales wide
extend onto the flanks, and the upper and lower lips are also patterned with
pale scales. The body is stocky and the head large.
One of the two snakes illustrated here is confidently estimated to be at
least 3 metres in length, and might well be one of the longest records for
the species.
The distribution of Boelen's Python is limited to the main island of
New Guinea, though it is also reported from at least one other nearby
Fig 1 : Adult Boelen's Python lies unconcealed on
the forest floor.
Fig 2 : Typical montane cloud forest at Mananda, Southern Highlands Province
(elevation 1700 metres) - haunt of Boelen's Python.
Fig 2 : Close-up of the head showing the
typical facial patterning.
Fig 3 : Flank of a 3-metre specimen, with typical truncated barring.
Snake photos thanks to Shane Convey
References :
O'Shea, M., 1996. A Guide to the Snakes of Papua New Guinea. Independent
Publishing Group Pty Ltd.