Family : Mustelidae
Species : Aonyx cinerea
Head-body length : 36-55 cm
Tail length : 23-35 cm
Weight : 3-5 kg
The Oriental Small-clawed
Otter is the smallest of the world's 13 species of otter. They inhabit
mangrove, forested rivers, creeks, marshes and freshwater swamp forest.
This species is sometimes diurnal, sometimes nocturnal, but during the
hottest part of the day they will remain
hidden in the shade or in their burrows.
They are highly gregarious and are rarely seen alone. A typical group might
comprise an adult pair, with various offspring of different ages : up to 10
individuals, occasionally more, may be seen together. Litters typically
comprise 2 to 4 cubs.
They are highly vocal, and communicate through loud, high-pitched squeaks
and cat-like 'meow' sounds.
Their front feet are only partly webbed, and their claws are very short,
which gives them great dexterity when digging for molluscs, crabs (including
freshwater crabs) and other crustaceans which comprise the bulk of their
diet. Fish comprise a minor part of their diet.
Their fur is light to medium brown, sometimes greyish brown, and paler
underneath. The throat, sides of the neck and cheeks are pale buff to white.
The species occurs in parts of India, various territories in the Himalayas,
southern China, Myanmar, Thailand, Indochina (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam),
Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Palawan (Philippines), Sumatra, Borneo, Java
and other westerly islands of Indonesia, such as Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa.
Fig 1 : Family group caught on automatic video camera on Pulau Ubin,
Singapore. Video still thanks to Noel Thomas.
Watch full video.
Figs 2 and : A small family group at the edge of a dried-up,
lowland forest stream.
References :
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.
Lekagul, B., McNeely, J., 1977. Mammals of Thailand. Association for the
Conservation of Wildlife, Thailand. 758 pp.
Links :
IUCN Otter
Specialist Group
International Otter Survival
Fund |