Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3
Family : Muridae
Species : Niviventer fulvescens
Head-Body Length : Up to 17 cm
Tail Length : Up to 22 cm
Niviventer is a genus of
medium-size, climbing rat. Pimsai et al (2014) refer to 16 species in all, of which 12 are known to occur in Southeast Asia.
The Indomalayan Niviventer, or Chestnut White-bellied Rat, is the most
widespread species, but it may in fact be a complex of closely related species.
This niviventer occurs in a broad range of habitats including lowland, hill and
montane forest of many types, including pine and deciduous forests, up to 2200
metres elevation (Musser et al, 2016/2017). It adapts well to disturbed habitats such as secondary
forest, scrubland and gardens. It is both terrestrial and arboreal,
and has been observed climbing on hanging vines and lianas. (Pimsai et al,
Its fur colour varies from orange-brown to yellowish-brown, the latter
colour being more prevalent in
Peninsular Malaysia (as in the example shown here).
Scattered amongst the short body fur are thicker spines, and longer, dark
guard hairs, particularly along the back. There is sharp demarcation
between the brown body fur and the belly fur, which is typically pure white
but sometimes yellowish white.
The tail is around 1.2 times longer than the head-body length, and is dark
above, pale below and generally with a pale tip. There are 6 well-developed
soft pads beneath the hind feet, which is an adaptation to an arboreal mode
of life.
The Indomalayan Niviventer occurs in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
Vietnam, Cambodia, northern parts of Peninsular Malaysia, and the islands
of Sumatra, Java and Bali. Outside the region it occurs in Nepal, northern
India, Bangladesh and southern China.
Figs 1 and 2 : Juvenile specimen, with an estimated head-body
length of 9 cm, from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia at an elevation of
1300 metres. Note the yellowish-brown fur, dark guard hairs and white belly.
Fig 3 : Close-up of the rear part of the body showing the soft pads beneath
the left hind foot, and the bicoloured tail.
References :
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.
Musser, G., Aplin, K. & Molur, S. 2016. Niviventer fulvescens
(errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
2016: e.T14820A115123943.
Pimsai, U., Pearch, M. J., Satasook, C., Bumrungsri, S., & Bates, P. J.
Murine rodents (Rodentia: Murinae) of the Myanmar-Thai-Malaysian peninsula
and Singapore: taxonomy, distribution, ecology, conservation status, and
illustrated identification keys. 2014. Bonn Zoological Bulletin
63 (1): 15–114
Thanks to Uraporn Pimsai and Paul Bates for assistance. |