Family : Felidae
Species : Prionailurus planiceps
Head-body length : up to 50 cm
Tail length : up to 17 cm
Weight : up to 2.2 kg
The Flat-headed Cat is a
small, secretive feline typically encountered in forested areas near
streams, freshwater swamp forest or other shaded wetlands. It is strictly
nocturnal and terrestrial, and appears to be restricted to flat, lowland areas.
This cat will take readily to shallow water : its diet comprises mainly fish
and other aquatic fauna, such as freshwater shrimp. It will consume its
catch on dry land a few metres away from the water's edge, and is known to
wash its food in water prior to consumption to remove unwanted debris.
Its body size is similar to that of a domestic cat, with relatively short
legs and a short tail. Its claws do not fully retract, which may be an
adaptation to semi-aquatic habits. Its forehead is markedly flattened in
profile, and its ears are small and held close to the side of the head.
The fur on its head is orange-brown, and it bears distinctive narrow, dark
stripes behind and below the eye. Its flanks are greyish brown, grizzled and
lack spots or stripes. The muzzle, chin and chest are white.
This species is considered to be rare and endangered, as wetland habitats
continue to be destroyed in many parts of its range. Unlike one of its
cousins, the Mainland Leopard Cat, it appears unable to
survive in oil palm plantations.
On mainland Southeast Asia the Flat-headed Cat is restricted to southern
Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia. It also occurs on the islands of Sumatra
and Borneo. In Singapore the species is listed as extinct.
Fig 1 : Flat-headed Cat
active just after nightfall along a forest stream at the edge of an area of
freshwater swamp forest. (Composite image: Abu Bakar).
Fig 2 : Typical freshwater swamp forest habitat.
References :
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.
Lekagul, B., McNeely, J., 1977. Mammals of Thailand. Association for the
Conservation of Wildlife, Thailand. 758 pp. |