Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6

Fig 7

Fig 8
Species : Varanus salvator
Size (snout to vent) : up to one metre
Size (total length) : up to 3 metres
This common species occurs
throughout Southeast Asia in virtually all habitats including urban areas
where it may sometimes be seen feasting on roadkill. It is particularly
common, however, in mangrove areas as it is a strong swimmer and it can
flourish on a diet of crabs and other large invertebrates.
It can remain submerged
underwater for a considerable time. It is also an agile climber, and a
raider of bird's nests. The Malayan Water Monitor is distinguished from
other monitors by the position of the nostrils, which lie near the tip of
the snout.
Fig 1 : A 2
metre adult at Sungei Buloh, Singapore.
Fig 2 : Consuming a dead
Red-eared Terrapin at Macritchie Forest, Singapore.
Fig 3 : Consuming an introduced
American Bullfrog at
Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Fig 4 : Resting in the bough of a lakeside tree, Upper Seletar,
Fig 5 : Tracks on a beach at Sentosa, Singapore.
Fig 6: Juvenile sunning itself on fallen leaves.
Fig 7 : Strongly patterned adult at edge of swiftly-flowing, rocky river at
Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo.
Fig 8 : Huge adult, reaching nearly 3-metres, in mangrove habitat at Sungei
Buloh, Singapore.
References :
Cox, van Dijk, Nabhitabhata, Thirakhupt, 1998. A photographic Guide to
Snakes and Other Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
New Holland.