Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5
Species : Draco blanfordii
Size (snout to vent) : 13 cm
Size (total length) : 38 cm
The Draco genus
the 'flying dragons', more properly called Gliding Lizards. They are able to
glide because on each side of the body there is a wide flap of skin (the
patagium) supported by movable elongated ribs. Males of the genus have
a large throat fan or gular flag, which is extended as a territorial display
or during courtship. Females sometimes possess small gular flags.
Blanford's Gliding Lizard
is one of the largest of its type - the male reaches 13 cm (snout-to-vent)
and the female 11 cm.
Males are identified by olive-grey mottling on the back and
patagium, and females by transverse banding. The gular flag of the male is
long and light grey, and under the lappets (at the side of the head) is a
red and black patch. The gular flag of the female is similar in colouration,
but is much shorter.
This species inhabits lowland rainforest up to around 1200 metres elevation.
It ranges from southwestern China through Vietnam and Thailand to Peninsular
Malaysia. It is absent in Singapore.
Figs 1 and 2 : Two male specimens from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia at an
elevation of around 1000 metres.
Fig 3 : Male from Gunung Mat Cincang, Langkawi, Peninsular Malaysia, at an
elevation of around 150 metres.
Figs 4 to 5 : Three images of a specimen from Burau Bay, Langkawi,
Peninsular Malaysia at an elevation of just 50 metres.
References :
Manthey U., Grossmann W., 1997. Amphibien und Reptilien Sudostasiens.
Natur und Tier - Verlag.