Fig 1
Order : Synbranchiformes
Species : Macrognathus zebrinus
Maximum Length : 46 cm
The Zebra Spiny Eel is a
native of the Irrawaddy, Salween and Sittang river drainages in Myanmar
(Myanmar). It is recognised as an established alien species in Singapore,
where it appears to be successfully breeding in some reservoirs,
particularly the Kranji and Lower Seletar reservoirs (Ng, 2010).
The species is mainly a bottom-dweller, typically remaining hidden amongst
aquatic plants by day. The example photographed here was found at night some
distance from aquatic plants.
This fish reaches up to 46 cm total length, and may be identified in the
field by its unusual body shape, and by the regularly spaced, oblique, dark
bars with pale outlines which are present on the body: these extend onto the
tail where they are less continuous and may be broken into
vertically-oriented rows of spots.
Fig 1 : Example from Lower Seletar Reservoir, Singapore, photographed at
References :
Ng, H. H. (2010). The Zebra Spiny Eel (Macrognathus
zebrinus) - non-native species in Singapore (Synbranchiformes:
Mastacembelidae). Cosmos, 6(01): 91-93.