Fig 1

Fig 2
Order : Tetraodontiformes
Species : Arothron manilensis
Maximum Length : 31 cm
Pufferfish are known by
numerous names including Blowfish, Toadfish or Balloonfish. They inhabit
coastal waters including brackish mangrove inlets and fringing, shallow
coral reefs, though some species do occur in freshwater.
The Narrow-lined Puffer is mainly associated with muddy substrates in river
estuaries, brackish mangrove habitats, coral lagoons and seagrass beds.
The species is identified by the distinctive arrangement of dark, narrow
longitudinal lines on the dorsum and flanks. Body colour is pale brown to
white, and the tail is creamy, or sometimes yellow, edged with black.
The teeth of pufferfish are fused into hard plates which can inflict a
powerful bite strong enough to crush shellfish and crustaceans on which they
prey. They may bite in self-defence, or balloon their body by ingesting
water and extending the spines which cover the body. Some species can also
be highly toxic.
The Narrow-lined Pufferfish species occurs along the coast of Borneo,
Sulawesi, the Philippines and other island chains stretching to Australia,
as well as smaller islands of the western Pacific Ocean.
Fig 1 : Narrow-lined Puffer in fringing mangrove habitat at Manando, Sulawesi,
Fig 2 : Fringing mangroves at low-tide, off Bahowo Village, Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia.