Order : Perciformes
Species : Geophagus altifrons
Maximum Length : 23 cm
The Eartheater Cichlid is
a native of South America, particularly the Amazon Basin. It has adapted
well to being introduced into localised slow-flowing streams and reservoirs
in Singapore.
The species is a
mouth-brooder, meaning it protects the young fry in the mouth. The genus
name 'Geophagus' means 'eartheater' which refers to its habit of sifting
through the substrate as it searched for food.
Its impact on the native
ecology is unknown; introduction of non-native species to any water body is
not to be encouraged as this can prove disastrous to native fish species
which may be out-competed.
Figs 1 and 2 :
Two examples of feral Eartheater Cichlid introduced to one of Singapore's inland