Fig 1 : Pacific Golden Plover

Fig 2 : Pacific Golden Plover

Fig 3 : Little Ringed Plover

Fig 4 : Little Ringed Plover

Fig 5 : Tibetan Sand Plover - and homalopsine snake
Figs 1 and 2 :
Pacific Golden Plover (winter plumage)
Pluvialis fulva
Location : Sungei Buloh, Singapore
Habitat : Abandoned prawn pond
Fig 3 :
Little Ringed Plover
Charadrius dubius
Location : Central highlands, New Guinea
Habitat : Grassy, gravel bed near freshwater lake
Fig 4 :
Little Ringed Plover
Charadrius dubius
Location : Neo Tiew, Singapore
Habitat : Muddy, freshwater drainage canal
Fig 5 :
Tibetan Sand Plover
Charadrius atrifrons
Location : Parit Jawa, Johor,
Peninsular Malaysia
Habitat : Coastal mudflats
Notes : to the right of the plover is a species of homalopsine snake
emerging from a burrow - this is most likely the
Dog-faced Water Snake
Cerberus schneiderii.
Fig 6 :
Malayan Plover
Anarhynchus peronii
Location : Laem Pak Bia, Phetchaburi, Thailand.
Habitat : Coastal wetlands
Note : Photos by Charles Currin
Fig 7 :
Kentish Plover (non-breeding plumage)
Anarhynchus alexandrinus
Location : Laem Pak Bia, Phetchaburi, Thailand.
Habitat : Coastal wetlands
Note : Photos by Charles Currin,
February 2022.
Fig 8 :
Kentish Plover (breeding plumage)
Anarhynchus alexandrinus
Location : Laem Pak Bia, Phetchaburi, Thailand.
Habitat : Coastal wetlands
Note : Photos by Charles Currin,
February 2022. |