stout-bodied birds in the Columbidae family with a worldwide distribution.
Primarily feed on fruits, seeds and figs which gives them an important
ecological role as seed dispersers. Includes the imperial
Link: Wikipedia
Examples from Southeast Asia:
Fig 1 :
Pink-necked Green Pigeon - male
Treron vernans
Location : Portsdown, Singapore
Habitat : Wooded, residential area.
Fig 2 :
Pink-necked Green Pigeon - female
Treron vernans
Location : Portsdown, Singapore
Habitat : Wooded, residential area.
Fig 3 :
Thick-billed Pigeon - male
Treron curvirostra
Location : Bukit Brown, Singapore
Habitat : Secondary forest in old cemetery.
Notes : Feeding on figs of Ficus microcarpa.
Fig 4 :
Thick-billed Pigeon - female
Treron curvirostra
Location : Pulau Pinang, Peninsular Malaysia
Habitat : Secondary hill forest.
Notes : Observed feeding on white figs.
Fig 5 :
Emerald Dove
Chalcophaps indica
Location : Lower Peirce, Singapore
Habitat : Lowland secondary forest
Notes : This is a shy, forest floor species which, when disturbed on trails
or near streams, quietly retreats into the forest without taking flight.
Fig 6 :
Feral Pigeon
Columba livia domestica
Location : Ipoh, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia
Habitat : Urban
Notes : Feral pigeons are descended from the Rock Dove Columba livia;
they have successfully adapted to the
concrete, high-rise, urban environment because the natural habitat of its
ancestor is one of rock ledges and sea cliffs.
Fig 7 :
Zebra Dove
Geopelia striata
Location : Lim Chu Kang, Singapore
Habitat : Grassland
Fig 8 :
Barred Dove
Geopelia maugeus
Location : Flores, Indonesia
Habitat : Agricultural
Fig 9 :
Spotted Dove
Streptopelia chinenesis
Location : Yio Chu Kang, Singapore
Habitat : Wooded, residential area
Fig 10 :
Red Collared Dove - male
Streptopelia tranquebarica
Location : Kaeng Krachan district, Phetchaburi, Thailand
Habitat : Degraded forest edge
Note : Photo by Charles Currin