Fig 1 : Long-tailed Parakeet - male and female

Fig 2 : Long-tailed Parakeet - male and

Fig 3 : Long-tailed Parakeet - male and female
Fig 4 : Long-tailed Parakeet - female

Fig 5 : Rose-ringed Parakeet (Ring-necked Parakeet) - female

Fig 6 : Red-breasted Parakeet - male
Figs 1 to 3 :
Long-tailed Parakeet
- male and female
Psittacula longicauda
Location : Portsdown, Singapore
Habitat : Wooded, residential area
Notes : This courting pair frequented the highest branch of a dead Acacia
for many days. The male is particularly impressive with his long tail and
brightly patterned plumage. Courtship involved each parakeet rubbing its
head against the chest of the other in a circular motion, followed by mutual
pecking and 'kissing', prior to copulation.
Fig 4 :
Long-tailed Parakeet
- female
Psittacula longicauda
Location : Taiping, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia
Habitat : Lightly wooded parkland
Fig 5 :
Rose-ringed Parakeet (Ring-necked Parakeet) -
Psittacula krameri
Location : Portsdown, Singapore (introduced)
Habitat : Wooded, residential area
Fig 6 :
Red-breasted Parakeet - male
Psittacula alexandri
Location : Portsdown, Singapore (introduced)
Habitat : Wooded, residential area
Notes : This male was observed eating the flowers of a Rain Tree Samanea