Fig 1 : Black-naped Oriole - male

Fig 2 : Black-naped Oriole - on nest
Fig 3 : Black-naped Oriole - male searching for

Fig 4 : Black-naped Oriole - immature
Fig 1 :
Black-naped Oriole - male
Oriolus chinensis
Location : Portsdown, Singapore
Habitat : Secondary scrub & sparse woodland
Fig 2 :
Black-naped Oriole -
on nest
Oriolus chinensis
Location : Portsdown, Singapore
Habitat : Wooded, residential area
Notes : Nests of this species are
normally well-concealed, however this newly constructed nest was clearly
visible from a first floor apartment. Shortly after this image was taken the
tree was shaken during a violent rainstorm, many leaves fell from the tree
further exposing the nest, which was immediately abandoned.
Fig 3 :
Black-naped Oriole -
Oriolus chinensis
Location : Ipoh, Perak, Peninsular Malaysia
Habitat : Secondary scrub forest
Notes : Searching for insects beneath leaves.
Fig 4 :
Black-naped Oriole -
Oriolus chinensis
Location : Portsdown, Singapore
Habitat : Wooded, residential area
Fig 5 :
Black-hooded Oriole -
Oriolus xanthornus
Location : Kaeng Krachan district, Phetchaburi, Thailand
Habitat : Forest edge, near karst forest
Note : Photo by Charles Currin
Fig 6 :
Black-and-crimson Oriole -
Oriolus consanguineus
Location : Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia
Habitat : Lower
montane primary rainforest |