Family : Pteropodidae
Species : Penthetor lucasi
Forearm Length : up to 6.2 cm
Weight : up to 44 grams Penthetor
lucasi (Dusky Fruit Bat) is an uncommon species which occurs in lowland and lower montane
forests. By day it roosts in colonies in dark rock crevices and quiet caves.
It is primarily a fruit eater, generally flying away from the fruit-bearing
tree to consume its meal elsewhere. The specimen illustrated in Figure 1 was found
consuming a succulent forest fruit in a secluded stream gully, but many
Dusky Fruit Bats will take their food right back to their cave roost.
Its fur is short and grey-brown, and the chest and belly are more pale than
the back. The fur on the head is slightly longer, and dark brown. The wings
are dark brown to black.
Its head is of typical fruit bat shape, with a dog-like muzzle, and large
eyes. The ears are dark-edged.
The Dusky Fruit Bat ranges from southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and
Singapore to the Riau Archipelago, Borneo and Sumatra.
Fig 1 : A Dusky Fruit Bat quietly consumes a forest
fruit in a secluded stream gully at Fraser's Hill, Pahang, Peninsular
Malaysia (elevation 1000 metres).
Fig 2 : A roosting group in a lowland cave at Taman Negara, Pahang,
Peninsular Malaysia. Photo thanks to Law Ing Sind.
Note : The bats in these images are tentatively identified as Penthetor
lucasi based on the dark fur on the head and dark wings. Very sparse fur
is noted on the nape and upper back.
References :
Francis, C.M. 2019. A Field Guide to the Mammals of South-east Asia. Second
Edition. New Holland. 416 pp.
Payne, J., Francis, C.M., 1998. A Field Guide to the Mammals of
Borneo. The Sabah Society.