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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025







Tuberculated Torrent Frog 
Amolops gerutu

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3










Family : RANIDAE
Species : Amolops gerutu
Size (snout to vent) :
Female up to 5.8 cm, Male up to 3.7 cm

The Tuberculated Torrent Frog is so-named because of the abundant raised tubercles which cover all dorsal surfaces of its skin (in contrast to Amolops larutensis which has fewer tubercles).

The species appears to be mainly nocturnal, but by day may sometimes be found clinging to the sides of wet boulders, ready to jump into the water if disturbed.

The tadpoles have a modified lower lip, which acts as a sucker, allowing them to cling to rocks in the swiftest of river currents: Figure 3 is an example from a stream flowing into Lake Kenyir, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia.

Amolops gerutu appears to be restricted to Peninsular Malaysia, in localities east of the Titiwangsa Mountains (the 'main range') including Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang states. It was formerly considered to be part of the Amolops larutensis species complex (Chan, K. O. et al, 2018).

Figs 1 and 2 : Examples from Lake Kenyir, Peninsular Malaysia. Note the abundant tubercles covering the back and upper surfaces of the limbs.

Fig 3 : Tadpole clinging to a granite boulder in a fast flowing stream feeding into Lake Kenyir, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia.

References :

Chan, K. O., Abraham, R. K., Grismer, J. L., & Grismer, L. (2018). Elevational size variation and two new species of torrent frogs from Peninsular Malaysia (Anura: Ranidae: Amolops Cope). Zootaxa, 4434(2), 250-264.