Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3
Family : RANIDAE
Species : Pulchrana glandulosa
Size (snout to vent) :
Female 8 cm, Male 9 cm
Play call
The Rough-sided Frog
occurs in lowland areas including primary and secondary rainforest,
freshwater swamp forest and disturbed areas.
The species is most often encountered at the margins of small streams or
pools in flooded forest areas. Tadpoles of the species, however, appear only
to have been found in shallow forest pools.
This frog is moderately large, often with attractively patterned skin
comprising dark brown blotches on a creamy background. The underside is
pale. A key identifying feature is the large, brown external ear drum in the
center of which is a creamy or buff spot. This feature helps to distinguish
the Rough-sided Frog from the similar
Golden-eared Rough-sided Frog
Pulchrana baramica in which the ear-drum and central spot are of different
colour, generally light brown or yellow-orange.
Though there may be variance in the dorsal colours and patterning, most
specimens appear to possess dark lips distinctly patterned with bright cream
or white spots.
The Rough-sided Frog ranges from southern Thailand, and parts of Indochina
through Peninsular Malaysia to Sumatra and Borneo. It is absent in
Fig 1 : Adult specimen next to a clear forest stream at Langkawi, Peninsular Malaysia.
Figs 2 and 3 : Juvenile specimens from a forest stream in Johor, Peninsular Malaysia.
References :
Inger R. F., Lian T.F., 1996. The Natural History of Amphibians and
Reptiles in Sabah. Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd.
Manthey U., Grossmann W., 1997. Amphibien und Reptilien Sudostasiens.
Natur und Tier - Verlag.