Family : RANIDAE
Species : Abavorana luctuosa
Size (snout to vent) :
Female 6.0 cm, Male 5.9 cm
The unmistakable Mahogany
Frog inhabits lowland and lower montane forest, including disturbed
habitats, up to 1350 metres elevation.
It is a leaf-litter dweller which is known to breed in clear, forest
streams. Given its widespread distribution and great altitudinal range,
however, the species is likely to be quite adaptable in its selection of
breeding sites.
It is easily identified by its unusual patterning which comprises a
mid-brown dorsum which is separated from dark greyish-brown upper flanks by
a narrow, pale stripe (= dorsolateral line). The lower flanks, belly and
forelimbs are grey with pale spots, and the hindlimbs are greyish-brown with
narrow, pale grey broken bars. There may be orange mottling on top of the
limbs. Its skin is smooth, and its fingers and toes unwebbed.
The tadpoles are large and brownish, and are mottled or speckled with dark
grey. The example shown here (Fig. 3) has extensive dark grey on the tail.
This frog occurs in southern Thailand (where it appears to restricted to the
province of Nakhon Si Thammarat, near the Gulf of Thailand), Peninsular
Malaysia (including the island of Pulau Pinang), Sumatra and Borneo (Sabah,
Sarawak and Kalimantan).
Fig 1 : Example from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia found next to a stream
near disturbed forest.
Fig 2 : Another example from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia, found at
an elevation of 990 metres. This specimen has some
orange mottling on top of the forelimb.
Fig 3 : Tadpole, also from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia, in a
puddle near a fast-flowing stream in disturbed habitat.
All photos thanks to Law Ing Sind.
References :
Chan-ard, T. (2003). A photographic guide to amphibians in Thailand.
Darnsutha Press Company. 175 pp.
Manthey U., Grossmann W., 1997. Amphibien und Reptilien Sudostasiens.
Natur und Tier - Verlag.