Species : Orthriophis moellendorffi
Maximum Size : at least 200 cm
Moellendorff's Rat Snake
(also known as 'Flower Snake' or 'Red-headed Rat Snake'), is a strikingly
patterned species which mainly inhabits caves in areas of lowland, deciduous
forest in northern Vietnam and southern China.
It is terrestrial in habits and mainly diurnal in its activity pattern. It
apparently feeds on rodents, birds and other small vertebrates.
Its colour and patterning is striking, broadly comprising dark saddles and
markings on the flanks, which are greenish-grey towards the front of the
body and reddish, edge with black, towards the rear. The tail is red,
with irregular, black-edged orange bands.
The head is reddish on top, elongate in shape and slightly distinct
from the neck. The eyes are of medium size.
This beautiful snake reaches at least 2 metres in total length: the example
shown here is small, measuring around 60 to 80 cm total length.
Figs 1 to 3 : Example with an estimated total length
of 60-80 cm, found on the floor of a limestone cave at Cuc Phuong National
Park, northern Vietnam. Photos thanks to Edgar Stich.
Fig 4 : Entrance to cave habitat of Moellendorff's Rat Snake.
References :
Das, I., 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia. New Holland
Publishers (UK) Ltd.