Fig 1

Fig 2
Species : Calamaria gimletti
Maximum Size : 27 cm
Gimlett's Reed Snake
inhabits lowland and montane forest. It is terrestrial in habits, remaining
hidden by day beneath leaf litter. Like other reed snakes, it may be
encountered at night above ground.
Its body is slender, and cylindrical in shape, with the head no wider than
the body. The tail is short and rounded at the tip.
Its dorsal body scales are dark brown under natural light (purplish and
iridescent under camera flashlight) and its underside is cream. There are
small yellow markings on the body, typically at the nape, as well as an
incomplete yellow band 1-2 cm behind the head, and another at the base of
the tail.
The species is considered by some researchers to be a subspecies of Lovi's
Reed Snake Calamaria lovii.
In Peninsular Malaysia, the species is widely recorded on the mainland from
lowland and montane forest, as well as Pulau Aur, an island off the coast of
Johor state. Das (2010) also records it from the Riau Islands of Indonesia.
In Singapore, the species was rediscovered in 2017, having not been seen in
the wild for 84 years.
Figs 1 and 2 : Example from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia, at an
elevation of 1200 metres.
References :
Das, I., 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia. New Holland
Publishers (UK) Ltd.
Serin Subaraj, Law Ing Sind & Noel Thomas (2017).
Rediscovery of Gimlett’s reed snake in Singapore. Singapore Biodiversity
Records, National University of Singapore. 2017: 89-90.