Family : Sciuridae
Species : Aeromys thomasi
Head-Body Length : Up to
40 cm
Tail Length : Up to 43 cm
Weight : Up to 1490 grams
Thomas's Flying Squirrel
is endemic to Borneo where it inhabits tall forest, both primary and
secondary, in the lowlands and in mid-montane areas at elevations of up to
1600 metres.
Its fur is reddish-brown to dark brown, with no markings to speak of : it
is this plain appearance which distinguishes it from other large flying
squirrels, such as the Red Giant
Flying Squirrel and Spotted
Giant Flying Squirrel, both of which typically have black fur on some
of the body (e.g. face, feet, tip of the tail etc.).
In common with most other flying squirrels it is exclusively nocturnal. Its
diet includes forest fruits, but little else is known of its ecology.
Within Borneo, this species has been documented in parts of Sabah (including
Mount Kinabalu), Sarawak, Brunei and west and east Kalimantan. It appears
to be absent in the southeast of the island.
Fig 1 : Example from Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Borneo. Photo thanks to Gloria Seow.
Fig 2 : Example from Danum Valley, high in the forest canopy at around
9 pm.
Fig 3 : Tall forest at Danum Valley - despite having been partly logged,
tall trees still dominate the forest and Thomas's Flying Squirrel still
survives here.
References :
Payne, J., Francis, C.M., 1998. A Field Guide to the Mammals of
Borneo. The Sabah Society.
Links :
- Gloria Seow