Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5
Order : Cypriniformes
Species : Rasbora einthovenii
Maximum Length : 9 cm
This attractive species
mainly inhabits acidic forest streams, but can also survive in more neutral
open-country streams. It searches the stream bed for its foodstuff -
insects, worms and crustacean larvae, and at other times is pelagic i.e.
free-swimming in midwater.
As with many other rasboras the scales are yellow-gold, however in this
species there is often a purple tinge towards the posterior. The distinguishing
feature is the thin, dark lateral band.
Einthoven's Rasbora ranges
from Thailand through Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore to parts of
Indonesia including the Riau Archipelago and Borneo.
Fig 1 : Part of a large
shoal of Einthoven's Rasbora in a shallow forest stream, Singapore.
Fig 2 : An adult Einthoven's Rasbora with a group of juveniles.
Figs 3 and 4 : Photographed in a shallow forest stream
at Pulau Sugi, Riau Archipelago, Indonesia.
Fig 5 : Specimen from shallow forest stream, Singapore.
References :
Lim, K.P. and Ng, K.L. 1990. A Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Singapore.
Singapore Science Centre.