Vertebrate fauna of
 Southeast Asia



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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2025








Intermediate Horseshoe Bat
Perak, Malaysia


Sunda Pig-tailed Macaque
Perak, Malaysia


Lesser Sheath-tailed Bat
Perak, Malaysia


Chestnut-winged Cuckoo
Perak, Malaysia


Black-thighed Falconet
Perak, Malaysia


First launched in 2000, Ecology Asia now features over 1000 species of vertebrate from Southeast Asia comprising around 300 species of reptile, 150 amphibians, 450 birds, 230 mammals and 125 fishes. All have been photographed in, or at the margins of, native habitats. Most images are my own, with around 10% contributed by enthusiastic friends.

The website has an easy, logical navigation structure for those who want to quietly explore its contents, and a simple but effective search engine.

Species write-ups try to include wide-angle images of a range of habitats, to give the reader a 'sense of place'.

In this niche website 'Southeast Asia' includes 11 nations that lie between China to the north and Australia to the south i.e. Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. The nation state of Papua New Guinea is included here too.

I spend quite a bit of time in northern parts of Peninsular Malaysia these days. As a retired geologist, I find the varied landscapes here impressive, particularly the hard-to-access karst limestone hills. The regions straddling the Malaysia-Thailand border still appear relatively rich in wildlife, although this is often elusive.

If you are a visitor to the Malay Peninsula, I hope you find my not-for-profit, ad-free website a useful introduction to the fauna of the region.

Enjoy !!




Nick Baker  


Thanks to : Sophia Sak Baker, Andie Ang, Chiok Wen Chuan, Marcus Chua, Derek Clark, Charles Currin, Vilma D'Rozario, Horst Flotow, Graeme Guy, Joseph Koh, Law Ingg Thong, Law Ing Sind, Benjamin Lee, Leong Tzi Ming, Joseph Lim, Kelvin Lim, Lim Kim Seng, Norman Lim, Celine Low, Shawn Lum, Ulrich Manthey, Terry McNeice, Ng Bee Choo, Tony O'Dempsey, Alan Owyong, Timothy Pwee, Pipat Soisook, Morten Strange, Serin Subaraj, Tan Heok Hui, Robert Teo, Noel Thomas, Evan Quah, Yeo Suay Hwee, Yong Ding Li ... I get by with a little help from my friends.




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