Vertebrate fauna of SE Asia


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Text and photos by Nick Baker, unless credited to others.
Copyright © Ecology Asia 2024








Selangor, Malaysia


Gold-whiskered Barbet
Perak, Malaysia


Spotted Forest Skink
Perak, Malaysia


Grey-and-buff Woodpecker
Perak, Malaysia


White-bellied Erpornis
Perak, Malaysia


Now featuring over 1000 species of vertebrate, including reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals and fishes, photographed in-situ in native habitat. My website has now been online for over 20 years, which is something of an achievement. And not a single advertisement.

Species write-ups try to include wide-angle images of a range of habitats, to give the reader a 'sense of place'.

For those unfamiliar with the region, 'Southeast Asia' includes 11 nations that lie between China to the north and Australia to the south (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam). One other nation state completes the geography of this most varied of regions, namely Papua New Guinea.

These days I spend more time in Malaysia, a country with impressive landscapes and a wealth of biodiversity. I am also grateful for images and notable finds shared by friends from other parts of the region (some of whom I have never met face-to-face, but I hope to one day !).

It seems hotter than ever some days, and one wonders how our precious wildlife heritage will cope in the coming decades and centuries. It is clear to me that we are at the start of another great extinction, the likes of which have not been seen since the end of the Cretaceous period, some 66 million years ago.

What will Planet Earth look like 66 million years from now ? Who knows, but for sure the human race won't be part of the landscape; like the dinosaurs, our existence will likely be marked by a few humanoid fossils mingled with vague imprints made by plastic and other debris. Such is our fate.

Meanwhile, I will continue to quietly explore the more easily accessible parts of this amazing region.

To all my readers ... slow down, and enjoy the wildlife around you  !




Nick Baker  


Thanks to : Sophia Sak Baker, Andie Ang, Chiok Wen Chuan, Marcus Chua, Derek Clark, Charles Currin, Vilma D'Rozario, Horst Flotow, Graeme Guy, Joseph Koh, Law Ingg Thong, Law Ing Sind, Benjamin Lee, Leong Tzi Ming, Joseph Lim, Kelvin Lim, Lim Kim Seng, Norman Lim, Celine Low, Shawn Lum, Ulrich Manthey, Terry McNeice, Ng Bee Choo, Tony O'Dempsey, Alan Owyong, Timothy Pwee, Pipat Soisook, Morten Strange, Serin Subaraj, Tan Heok Hui, Robert Teo, Noel Thomas, Evan Quah, Yeo Suay Hwee, Yong Ding Li ... I get by with a little help from my friends.




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